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Thanks in part to Employ, I was able to start my project incredibly quickly with men who really know their stuff.

When we started a large construction project, speed and expertise were of great importance. Thanks to Employ Enjoy Working, we were able to achieve this and that too with the right people.

Our first meeting with Employ’s sales manager Aschwin was top-notch. He listened carefully to our needs and desires and thought proactively about the design phase of the project. His suggestions led to drawings that were both innovative and practical. This allowed us to move quickly and make our plans concrete.

After the design phase, the challenge began: finding professionals who could turn our vision into reality. This is where Employ really showed its strength. Within a short time, the sales manager in collaboration with the rest of team Employ provided the perfect professionals for our project. These were not just any employees, but men with years of experience and an understanding of their field.

Employ’s efficient and precise approach not only saved us time but also improved quality. The team they provided was productive from day one and eager for the challenge. This led to us getting our construction project off to a good start and quickly reaching the first milestones.

We are extremely grateful to you and would love to work with you again on the next project!

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Friendly and familiar
Personal and fast communication
Always a suitable job