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The realization of the self-closing water barrier

While you are enjoying the summer and perhaps vacation, hard work continues at Steyl (that’s how they say it there) on the realization of the self-closing float barrier in cooperation with craftsmen supplied by Employ Enjoy Working.
The valves for the self-closing float barrier were made by Hollandia Infra. At the factory, they were tipped and then lifted onto a truck for transportation to Limburg. 🚚

The tilting and transport of the valves is done in steps of two valves each, spread over several days. In this way, there is sufficient time in Limburg to receive the valves, as they are installed directly in the hinges at the construction site upon arrival.

Tuesday, July 30, the first valves were assembled by men supplied by Employ Enjoy Working. A special job, just look at these facts and figures:
– Up to August 9, 12 valves, or coring sections, will be hoisted in
– The last 2 valves in the bike path will follow later
– The valves weigh 11 tons each
– The valves are all fitted with 3 EPS floats, each weighing 300 kilograms
– Each valve works with four hinges
– The valves together form a 134-meter barrier

As Dike Zone Alliance, we are building this unique self-closing float barrier together with @Ploegam Hollandia Infra on behalf of @Waterschap Limburg.

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